I've had this small, dry, scaly patch of skin on the outside of my left nostril just where it joins my face (or upper lip if that helps you visualise it!) now for a good six months. It's been one of those things that I do notice when scrutinising my face in the mirror (I don't do this often - it's not good for morale) but which I am mostly aware of through touch as I seem to have developed an annoying habit of checking it's still there every day. I am not sure when it appeared or why but it just wouldn't go. It hasn't been particularly itchy or sensitive but has been sore when I've had a cold.
I had resigned myself to living with my lizard-like skin when I thought I would try our very own Queen Skin Cream. There's nothing like first-hand experience and, guess what, it's done the job. I put it on every night for a couple of weeks and the patch has gone. I did get a bit complacent last week while on holiday (although still religiously massaging the Skin Cream into my heels) and noticed that it had started to come back but a couple more nights of application and it's gone again.
Now, I know this just sounds like bragging but it is backed up by the comments we repeatedly get from our customers about this product.
An email today from Mrs Golder in London, which prompted this self-congratulatory post, said:
"And by the way, I must just tell you how brilliant your Queen skin cream is! I had a sample for my toddler's face which worked miracles. Then I had a dry patch on my face for months. I tried everything including a hydrocortisone and was beginning to think it was skin cancer (you know the mind works!) when I suddenly thought about your cream and it's absolute magic! The mysterious patch has disappeared!".
Says Mrs Cliffe, also from London:
"Queen Skin Cream is just wonderful. I suffer from eczema and find it really soothing and it has got rid of dry, scaly patches that I have had for years. I use it on my face, on my feet, on my lips and in areas of eczema on my ankles and face. It's better than the stuff the doctor has given me. At night, if my legs or ankles start itching, I rub some Skin Cream in really well and it soothes it immediately. It's brilliant, I can't praise it enough."
This product, called Skin Food many years ago when it first came to market, is a miracle cream and every dressing table or bathroom cabinet should have some, whether you suffer from sensitive skin or not.
For sensitive and very dry skin it's great as a moisturiser but it's also brilliant for a whole host of other things, including:
- dry heels and dry elbows
- itchy skin caused by eczema, psoriasis etc
- to repair dry lips (or to keep lips soft and moisturised)
- taking the heat out of minor burns
- it can be used to soothe and repair skin suffering from sun burn, chapped skin and wind burn, making it perfect for the beach, ski slopes or out at sea.
- to soothe itchiness caused by bites or allergic reactions
- to prevent or soothe chafing caused by clothing or shoes. Prevent blisters by rubbing it into areas which are likely to be affected or cover the blister (or even rub it into the leather of your shoes/boots to soften it!) with the cream to prevent further injury.
I could go on....but that's enough of the advertising spiel. It is fabulous though and great value too as it lasts for ages. Visit www.queen-cosmetics.com to find out more. You won't look back!
Have a good weekend.