Friday, May 27, 2011

Pastel eyeshadows are hot this summer (and sensitive eyes you can be on trend too)

At Queen, we do pride ourselves on being classic and vintage rather than trendy. Sometimes, however, the two worlds do collide when one of our products suddenly finds itself (or themselves in this case) a la mode quite by chance.

This season, pastel eyeshadows are in. You heard it here (belatedly admittedly). Sky Living has carried out a review of pastel eyeshadows and we are featured! As you know, Queen make-up is developed for sensitive skins and eyes and so to find that we are reviewed among main stream brands is very exciting. And, for all of you with sensitive eyes, you now have all the proof you need that just because a product is for sensitive skin doesn’t mean it isn’t bang on trend! There’s a lovely lilac, light rose and baby pink and a soft blue and dove grey too. We haven’t ventured into the lime greens and yellows but, equally, if this is what you are after then always give us ring to see what we can do.

Anyway, if you wish to read our review and see what else is tipped, here you go:

Queen Cosmetics Eye ShadowQueen Cosmetics Eye Shadow

Queen Cosmetics Eye Shadow

Tested by: Suzannah Ramsdale, celebrity journalist

Verdict: I tried out the pinky tone out of the lovely Queen eyeshadow palette. The hint of colour was so subtle that I could barely see it. For daytime antics, this is perfect but it's probably too light for a night out on the razzle. Also, I tend to prefer my pastel eyeshadows to come with a bit of shimmer and this had a matt finish. Having said that, a hint of pink makes a nice change from the old faithful smokey eye.

Elsewhere, new website and soon-to-be-launched magazine Rookie wrote a lovely review of Queen at  Says the beauty editors:

“No fancy packaging, no over the top prices and no ridiculous gimmicks are what attracted me the most and when the kind people at Queen sent me a few products what I soon discovered was that they not only lived up to the PR but also to my extremely high expectations!

Having spent ten years trying to find the perfect skin care range, I’ve finally found it. This isn’t a sales pitch, trust me, I don’t secretly work for Queen…I’m just in love.”

We can confirm she doesn’t work for us, secretly or otherwise.

It’s back to the orders now, dragging ourselves away from crowing about our nice reviews and from coverage of Cheryl Cole’s sacking from X Factor USA. Poor Cheryl, we hope she emerges victorious elsewhere. I hope she knows too that she has the support of (the) Queen!

Have a great bank holiday weekend.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Unique cleanser for sensitive skin is “a delight”

We have had such a lovely letter from a customer this morning. She says:

“I enclose another order for some of your products. It is really helpful to be able to purchase trial sizes: you will see that my order is mainly for these trial sizes, but next time I will be ordering the standard size products.

“I just wanted to express my appreciation of your products and excellent service; I have never had any skin problems but a few months ago developed red patches and tiny blister-like spots on my face. I stopped using make-up and night creams which frankly I need to use. I searched the internet and came across your website and am so glad I did because since receiving my first order and starting to use your products my skin has returned to normal. So many thanks. I shall start building up my collection of Queen products and give all the other much-publicised products a miss!”

We also received two orders this morning which were from friends of existing customers – customer referrals, I guess they are technically known as! Certainly, word of mouth is currently our major source of new customers and it remains the most powferful with most referrals becoming regular customers. It is not really surprising – if you have sensitive skin, it can take some persuading to be convinced to try a new product and to see a friend - who you know has sensitive skin too – with great-looking skin is a powerful endorsement.

More good news came in the form of some great coverage for our Theatrical Cleansing Cream, a longstanding Queen favourite and ideal cleanser for super-sensitive skins and for anyone who needs to remove heavy make-up or stage make-up on a regular basis (as it won’t dry skin out or cause irritation).

Read it here at great beauty blog Confessions of a Beautyholic.

Let’s hope the good feedback continues to flow!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Find a skincare regime and stick to it!

This was the advice of one Queen customer yesterday when talking about how she manages her rosacea.

“In the morning, I wash my face with Cetaphil face wash as I like to use a wash-off cleanser. Next, I wet my face again (I know it sounds odd but it works for me!) and my hands then I put one drop of jojoba oil on my hands, rub them together then smooth the oil all over my face.”

She continues: “In the evening, I use your Sensiderma Cold Cream to take my make-up off (I don’t wear much) then I use your Skin Cream as a night cream. I have been doing this for years and it keeps my rosacea under control.”

This regime may not work for everyone but it does show that there are routines that can be found and followed with success. As this particular customer said, it can be a process of trial and error and that what she found so helpful about Queen when she was looking for products was our trial sizes.

“What is so good about your company is the fact that you can try things and that there is a decent amount in the skincare trial sizes – not just a sachet full which you would get from a beauty counter. This is essential for sensitive skin.”

We are always pleased to send one or two free samples to people who are genuinely looking for products for their rosacea or other sensitive skin condition. In addition, we do offer  a ‘FREE sample of the month’. Please visit our homepage or email us at to find out more.

Today, we had a returning customer. This is always a happy occasion! If customers have not bought products for some time, we assume they no longer wish to be on our mailing list and remove them. This lady, Mrs H, said she had tried other products but that “nothing had come close to Queen Enriched Moisturising Lotion” so she was returning to the fold. It is human nature to want to try other things, especially in today’s beauty marketplace where launches for new creams and lotions are a daily occurence and each product sounds more appealing, amazing (and perhaps too good to be true!) than the last. Mrs H is firmly back on our mailing list!

With the Royal Wedding just over a month away, we are busy putting together our Royal Skin Care Packs – well, with a name like Queen, what do you expect?!

The Queen Team

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reviews for Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream for sensitive, dry, eczema-prone hands

The fame of Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream is spreading with some lovely reviews on some beauty sites over the last few weeks.

With the continued cold weather and central heating still on full (well it is where I am!), hands have really been suffering and I for one have been slathering on our own handcream in a bid to keep them looking smooth and young (well smooth anyway). Well, it seems that we are not alone in our quest for a hardworking hand cream.

imageSays Confessions of a Beautyholic ( ‘Queen Cosmetics have a variety of products from skincare, bath & body to make up. They keep the look and feel of uncomplicated beauty products that were prepared by a pharmacist, which is brilliant! They all look very interesting and the fact none of their products contain unnecessary ingredients, win big points with me. Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream is an unique hand cream that has one of the most nourishing formulation that I have ever tried……design to gently care for dry, irritated, inflamed and chapped hands, including those suffering eczema and dermatitis. Although my hands are not in such bad state, they were quite dry and instantly after using Sensiderma, I could see the difference……. I started to use this product and I must say it delivered incredible results!’ 

Another beauty site, Beauty Truths Not Ugly Lies (, also likes this product. It says: ‘I know I posted a list of my favourite hand creams up a few weeks ago but my attention has been brought to a new one out and well it was so good I needed to include it. Queens Cosmetics are experts in sensitive skin but even if your skin isn't that sensitive you will love their products.’

She continues: ‘It’s a really rich formula without being greasy and melted into my skin quickly. Very useful for me as I am always putting on hand cream and having to waiting till it absorbs. Try picking up a pen and trying to write something after you have smothered your hands in something greasy!’

This is a really good point because, as well as being really effective at moisturising and soothing dry hands, Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream’s other USP (unique selling point to those of you not familiar with marketing jargon!) is that it is really easily and quickly absorbs which, of course, is why it is so good at moisturising and soothing! With many handcreams, you can spend 10 minutes massaging the product in and yet still have to wipe away excess before you can actually resume whatever it was you were doing previously.

So, there is our trumpet blowing for the week. Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream is just £9.35 for 50g (remember, a little goes a long way) and is excellent for all skin types but particularly hands which are very dry or scaly or suffer from eczema as it won’t further exacerbate these conditions. It is available from our website, or from Amazon or call John Bell & Croyden, London’s landmark pharmacy, on +44 (0)207 535 5620.