Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reviews for Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream for sensitive, dry, eczema-prone hands

The fame of Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream is spreading with some lovely reviews on some beauty sites over the last few weeks.

With the continued cold weather and central heating still on full (well it is where I am!), hands have really been suffering and I for one have been slathering on our own handcream in a bid to keep them looking smooth and young (well smooth anyway). Well, it seems that we are not alone in our quest for a hardworking hand cream.

imageSays Confessions of a Beautyholic ( ‘Queen Cosmetics have a variety of products from skincare, bath & body to make up. They keep the look and feel of uncomplicated beauty products that were prepared by a pharmacist, which is brilliant! They all look very interesting and the fact none of their products contain unnecessary ingredients, win big points with me. Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream is an unique hand cream that has one of the most nourishing formulation that I have ever tried……design to gently care for dry, irritated, inflamed and chapped hands, including those suffering eczema and dermatitis. Although my hands are not in such bad state, they were quite dry and instantly after using Sensiderma, I could see the difference……. I started to use this product and I must say it delivered incredible results!’ 

Another beauty site, Beauty Truths Not Ugly Lies (, also likes this product. It says: ‘I know I posted a list of my favourite hand creams up a few weeks ago but my attention has been brought to a new one out and well it was so good I needed to include it. Queens Cosmetics are experts in sensitive skin but even if your skin isn't that sensitive you will love their products.’

She continues: ‘It’s a really rich formula without being greasy and melted into my skin quickly. Very useful for me as I am always putting on hand cream and having to waiting till it absorbs. Try picking up a pen and trying to write something after you have smothered your hands in something greasy!’

This is a really good point because, as well as being really effective at moisturising and soothing dry hands, Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream’s other USP (unique selling point to those of you not familiar with marketing jargon!) is that it is really easily and quickly absorbs which, of course, is why it is so good at moisturising and soothing! With many handcreams, you can spend 10 minutes massaging the product in and yet still have to wipe away excess before you can actually resume whatever it was you were doing previously.

So, there is our trumpet blowing for the week. Queen Sensiderma Rich Hand Cream is just £9.35 for 50g (remember, a little goes a long way) and is excellent for all skin types but particularly hands which are very dry or scaly or suffer from eczema as it won’t further exacerbate these conditions. It is available from our website, or from Amazon or call John Bell & Croyden, London’s landmark pharmacy, on +44 (0)207 535 5620.